Server Rules

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Our Mission

In Gang Ville RP we strive to maintain a serious Los Angeles-based server for V2. We wish to maintain an open-minded, enjoyable and toxic-free environment, where people can build their characters and develop into whomever they wish to be. We want to create a streamer-friendly community welcoming people from all walks of life. It is imperative that our community enter all Gang Ville-related websites, Discords, and servers with an open mind, free of judgment. One of the keys to successful roleplay is going with the flow in the midst of keeping your roleplay serious. We as a community will encounter people from locations all over the world. With extensive and various amounts of roleplay and personality. We have a zero-tolerance for discrimination and/or hate speech in all forms.

Staff Discretion
Staff members of GVRP reserve the right to penalize and deal with you however they like based on our offense policies and also depending on your previous record and interactions within the staff team. The way you interact with the staff team may impact the judgment made towards you or it could have a very positive or negative effect on the severity of your punishment. At the end of it all, your punishment all depends on you. This is to help the community understand how rules are enforced by the staff team. It's impossible to list every example of a rule being broken. We hold players responsible for understanding the intent of the rules and making sure not to find a way around them. GV-RP staff has the power and right to punish players for offenses not listed below if the nature of those actions creates a negative playing experience for another player or for the server and community in general. Staff also reserves the right to change any rule or add on if deemed necessary.